Preventing Exploitation Through Education

About A Gen Safe

The U.S. has identified 15,000 cases of minors being trafficked for sex each year. These numbers are based on law enforcement reporting and hotline interactions. In today’s digital age, bad actors increasingly use technology in cunning ways to talk to and trick young people. This means any-and-all U.S. youth are at risk of exploitation regardless of one’s age, family background, or socio-economic factors.  Recent data has proven young people want to know how to stay safe from exploitation and also protect their friends, but they don’t know where to find helpful safety knowledge on the topic. Our goal is to change that A Generation Safe provides today’s youth with comprehensive, multi-channel awareness and learning designed to equip young people with greater awareness, effective social refusal skills, and alternatives to combat sexual exploitation and trafficking in their own lives, schools and communities. Our core programs utilize online media distributed via social platforms and engaging curriculum-based learning in schools so that young people can easily learn:

  • Social refusal skills for evading exploitation. How to identify, prevent and report online groomers.
  • Helpful tips for avoiding dangerous interactions and situations.
  • Practical ways to identify friends and peers who may need help.
  • Resources to contact for help or to help others.

Our fundamental belief is that no one should be exploited: Not you, not me, not anyone. We won’t stop until we are A Generation Safe from sexual exploitation.