About Family Restoration

One of the ways we prevent exploitation is through our partnership with Remember Nhu, which utilizes a prevention model called Family Restoration. In this approach, rather than removing youth from their at-risk environment to place them in a safer home environment, the focus instead becomes removing risk factors from the young person’s environment. The goal is a long-term investment not only in the safety of the youth, but also in restoration of the youth’s family, which in the long term is best for the youth’s overall health. Through Family Restoration, our team holistically focuses on the physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational well-being of the youth to prevent sexual exploitation in regions with historically high rates of human trafficking.

Our team has been working in Bolivia, South America for over a decade implementing Family Restoration through programming, workshops, education, counseling, building relationships with families and working with at-risk youth in impoverished indigenous villages. These youth are statistically at high risk of sex trafficking, often caught in generational cycles such as extreme poverty, violence, abuse, and lack of educational and vocational opportunities. Our team assesses each family’s needs holistically, and creates personalized plans to support them moving forward. In Bolivia, our team has seen many families be empowered to end negative generational cycles through Family Restoration. This paves the way for safer youth, teens, families, and communities, as Family Restoration has a “ripple effect” for all who are involved.

About Family Restoration

One of the ways we prevent exploitation is through our partnership with Remember Nhu, which utilizes a prevention model called Family Restoration. In this approach, rather than removing youth from their at-risk environment to place them in a safer home environment, the focus instead becomes removing risk factors from the young person’s environment. The goal is a long-term investment not only in the safety of the youth, but also in restoration of the youth’s family, which in the long term is best for the youth’s overall health. Through Family Restoration, our team holistically focuses on the physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational well-being of the youth to prevent sexual exploitation in regions with historically high rates of human trafficking.

Our team has been working in Bolivia, South America for over a decade implementing Family Restoration through programming, workshops, education, counseling, building relationships with families and working with at-risk youth in impoverished indigenous villages. These youth are statistically at high risk of sex trafficking, often caught in generational cycles such as extreme poverty, violence, abuse, and lack of educational and vocational opportunities. Our team assesses each family’s needs holistically, and creates personalized plans to support them moving forward. In Bolivia, our team has seen many families be empowered to end negative generational cycles through Family Restoration. This paves the way for safer youth, teens, families, and communities, as Family Restoration has a “ripple effect” for all who are involved.